Thursday, January 9, 2014

Am I Pregnant?

I had just started dating him. He was fun and loving and treated me right. He got along with all my friends and we always had a good time when we had a night out. I remember, quite clearly, a specific night. We were at a park with our friends. We thought it would be fun to go out in the dead of night with about 15 people and play hide and seek. Well, for some odd reason I had a feeling I was pregnant. We had just started having sex so it was way too early to tell so I brushed off the feeling and went back to having a good time with all of our friends.

Fast forward a week.

Again, we were out with our friends at our favorite hangout just having a good time. I was feeling a little sick and quite annoyed with everyone around me. I told my boyfriend I was going out to the car to have a smoke and listen to some music while I let the feeling pass. A few minutes later one of my closest friends came out to the car to see where I have gone. I told him all about the night at the park and how I had a feeling I was pregnant. He told me to take a test to put my mind at ease. I told my boyfriend I was going to take my friend home and I still felt ill so I was going to go home and rest.

Fast forward an hour.

The test came back negative. My friend was relieved and passed my illness as just me worrying too much and said it was all in my head. I still couldn't shake the feeling of being pregnant.

Fast forward a week.

I took another test. It came back negative.

Fast forward a week.

No period. Swollen breasts. But no other pregnancy symptoms? It was odd. So I took one more test and if this one came out negative I was just going to have to wait patiently for my period to come. BUT GUESS WHAT! It came back positive and I knew immediately that I was going to get an abortion. First I called my boyfriend. No answer. I called over and over only to remember that it was Sunday and he goes hunting and must have left his phone at home. So I call my three closest friends and let them know what happened and my decision to terminate the pregnancy.
**I am 18 years old. I work as a waitress at a mom and pop restaurant and I was struggling to pay off hundreds of dollars in bills. I still lived with my mother and her boyfriend. I was careless and irresponsible with my body and I knew I had to face the consequences and I made the decision that was right and easiest FOR ME and decided that the pregnancy needed to be terminated.**
When my boyfriend finally got a hold of me I was calm and collected and got straight to the point. He was shocked. He asked what I was going to do and I told him my plans for termination. He supported my decision and never forced anything upon me. He showed me kindness and understanding and stayed on the phone with me all night. This was the right decision.