Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Protester

I wanted to take some time to write about the protester that was outside the day of my abortion. Something he said really hit a nerve and I cant seem to get it out of my head.

As me and my friend were walking into the clinic I noticed a protestor. As I was walking up to the door he held up a sign. I didn't look at it. It is my right to do what I want with my body, not his, so I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of looking at him or listening to him. I walked in the door and he yelled "You know he doesn't care about you. Those people don't either. I'm the only one who cares." That really got me because I really have no patience for people who say such ignorant things. All I wanted to do was walk up to him and say "Do you care that I work 80 hours a week and still make no money? Do you care that the father broke my car, stole my money so I couldn't get this abortion, and was cheating on me since day one? Do you care that when I told him about the pregnancy he told me he would run away so I couldn't make him pay child support? Do you care that he still wanted me to keep the baby after he obviously shown that he did not care about me or his unborn child? Do you know that the people in this office only care if my decision is right for me? Did you know they gave me every chance to decide if I wanted to keep the baby and never pushed either decision on me in any way? You do not care about me. You don't know my story or what I have gone through. So please take your sign and shove it up your ass."

There is so much I wanted to say to that man. Sure he has a right to his opinion and free speech. But you do not have the right to shove anything in my face just to get your own way. Women are going to get abortions whether they are legal or not. Would you want to see thousands of women suffer from back alley abortions just because you do not believe in them? I don't believe in polygamy but do I walk around with morbid posters trying to get people who do believe in it to stop what they are doing? No. It makes them happy. They live their life the way they want to and make a decision that they feel is right. It's not affecting me in any way. I don't know those people. If they want to marry six different people why shouldn't they have a right to live that way!?

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