Friday, January 10, 2014

Dilation & Evacuation and Recovery

I woke up with terrible back pains. All I wanted to do was sleep the day away but I knew as soon as it was all over I would feel so much better.

I arrived at the clinic at 9:30 a.m. and five minutes later I was taken into the recovery room where I was to sit and wait for my IV. I took advantage of the heating pad and reclining chair and made myself comfortable. When it was finally my turn for the IV insertion I was extremely nervous. It was going to by my first one and I didn't know what to expect. The most uncomfortable part was the tourniquet. The needle was a bit of a pinch but nothing to bad. After it was all done I sat there for another hour before I was taken into the operating room. My nurse from the previous day was there and nice as ever. I was told to remove my bottoms and lie on the table. It was freezing so she gave me a blanket and let me recline my feet. The doctor was going to be a while because she was doing another procedure so my nurse put on some smooth jazz and let me relax. Except I couldn't relax. The back pain I was experiencing was normal but I just could not get comfortable. After a half hour of waiting alone my nurse came back in and talked to me. It relaxed me a lot more than anything else. Just five minutes after that I was given an oxygen mask and my first dosage of my conscious sedation. The last thing I remember was asking "Am I going to die?" and the nurse replying "One day but today is not your day."

Fifteen minutes later I was woken up by a soft pressure in my uterus and the nurse telling me I was all finished. Now it was time for my Nexplanon implant. I was still so out of it from the medication I didn't feel a thing. I don't remember my arm being bandaged and I barely remember getting wheeled into recover where I slept for another hour. When I woke up I had to change my pad twice and get my blood pressure taken twice and I finally got the IV out. I had no to very little cramping. My bleeding was light and I experienced absolutely no pain. I had no medication to take because I took my antibiotic right before midnight just before the cutoff of not being allowed to eat or drink anything. I was so thirsty I downed three glasses of water and felt like a million dollars afterward.

Being back home was fine. I still had some light bleeding and I was starved. I ate half a pizza to myself and spent the rest of the day on the couch watching tv with very mild cramps here and there.

My abortion experience was absolutely wonderful. The staff was positive and supportive. My friends were supportive and the excruciating pain I was expecting turned out to be no pain at all. But then again I cannot speak for everyone out there.

My pregnancy was unplanned and unwanted. I felt grief because I know I was aborting an innocent baby but it was the right choice for me. There are still so many children waiting to be adopted and some of them never do. Some of them end up in foster care. Some are abused. Some go starving. I knew I didn't want to put my child through that because I could not 100% guarantee that they would go to a good home and I don't have the mental...soundness (if that's the right way to put it I don't know) to know that I have a child out there in the world that I cannot take care of. But even though I felt guilty I was relieved. And I sleep soundly at night knowing I made the right decision.

From time to time I'll post more on my recovery and my life after the abortion. So if I helped you in any way please stay posted<3

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