Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Days In Between

The days in between my first appointment and my second and third were scary and emotional. I spent hours thinking about it. I felt horrible for my baby but I knew I was still going to go through with it.

I spent hours and hours on the internet researching the procedure and looking for stories on the dilation and evacuation procedure. Most of the stories I found were from women who had to get it done due to fetus abnormalities. I did not find one about an unwanted pregnancy. They all wanted their pregnancy but couldn't go through with bringing a child who wouldn't survive into the world but I read them anyway. I was scared about the pain and if I was going to remember the procedure or feel anything during it. Some women felt pain during the lameneria process and some didn't and for some it was just uncomfortable. Some women were awake during the procedure and felt pain, some were awake and felt nothing, some were awake and were uncomfortable, some were asleep and felt absolutely nothing. No matter what I searched for I could not find a solid answer. Why? Because it all mattered on how your body and mind reacted to what was going on. I was scared of the unknown and have never felt any type of extreme pain. I was looking for reassurance but out of everything I found most women felt little to nothing at all especially if they were taken care of properly and with comfort. It did put my mind to ease a little but I was still nervous.

So to any woman that is reading this because they are scared and looking for comfort know that I cannot tell you what it is going to feel like for you because everyone is different. Hopefully my experience will at least comfort you and let you know you're not alone and no matter what everything will work out and life will go on. If you have any questions regarding my experience please feel free to email me. I will answer everything honestly and with an open heart.

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