Thursday, January 9, 2014

Laminaria Insertion

So today was my laminaria insertion (tiny rods that dilate your cervix) and I was so effing nervous you wouldn't even believe. The thought of getting three shots in my cervix then three rods stuck up there to open it up! No thanks! But I got to the office and checked in and waited a bit and soon it was my turn.

The nurse that was with me was honestly the nicest and most understand lady I could ever ask for. She answered all my questions and will also be there the day for my procedure which I'm so grateful for. But anyway I was to remove my pants and have a pad ready in my underwear and wait for the doctor to come in. At this point I felt like I had jumping beans bouncing around my stomach. The doctor came in and introduced herself and her medical student (who had to have thought I was the biggest baby ever) and she talked to me about my birth control choice and then went into what was going to be happening today. She did a cervical exam with her fingers. I suspect her nails were a little bit longer because it kind of pinched. After that it went just like a pelvic exam. My vagina was held open so she could view my cervix which was honestly the worst part. She cleaned my cervix with a bit of soap and let me take a few minutes to calm my nerves. The nurse held my hand and asked me about my job and even though her intentions were only the best my attention was still on the three shots of numbing injection I was getting. The first one was barely a pinch, The second was a little more, and the third one hurt only the smallest bit. They kept me talking and I could not even feel the laminaria being put in. I felt some pressure but I experienced no pain.

My nurse helped me get dressed and wipe the blood and got me in a wheel chair. I asked her if she has ever been in my situation and we talked all through my recovery about how we know we made the best choice to abort. But, anyway, recovery was 15 minutes. I got a heating pad and a blanket, some water, and something to snack on. The cramps at this point were not too bad. Just bad period pains at this point. I was allowed to leave after the 15 minutes was up and standing actually made the pain almost go away completely.

The car ride home wasn't too bad. I got the ringing in my ears that the doctor told me I might experience from the numbing injection. Right after that started I had to hang my head out the window (it was 19 degrees where I live). I was hot and sweaty and felt sick. After a minute I was back to normal and experiencing very bad period cramps. I only had camps like that once before so it wasn't unbearable. The worst is when I got home. Just an hour later I was in so much pain and discomfort. I opened up my window and could not be in one position for more than 30 seconds. This was way worse than period pains. I felt so sick I couldn't swallow one of the ibuprofens they had given me. I was finally able to choke on down and about fifteen minutes later I was able to sit still. About fifteen minutes after that I fell asleep. I woke up a few times with cramps but nothing bad and fell back to sleep. I woke up for good around 7:45 p.m. and took another ibuprofen even though the pain wasn't too bad. I still haven't taken the 4 antibiotic I needed to take at dinner but I was feeling to sick to even drink water at dinner time so I decided to wait until about 9:30 to take them with a few slices of pizza. **you MUST eat when you take these pills. they will get you sick and if you throw them back up you just wasted them**

None of the laminaria have fallen out. Cramps very from time to time. And I really don't want to eat or anything. But like I've said this is what's best for me and I'm at peace with my decision. No turning back now.

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