Thursday, January 9, 2014

Making the Appointment

After I visited the clinic website I knew the procedure was going to be expensive. The clinic offered financial aid but I am always preparing for the worst. It took me three months to save up the money for the abortion. Some people might think of me as a horrible person for considering abortion and even worse getting it done so late in the pregnancy but there was no way to help it. It turns out the kind and loving father of my child turned out to be a cheating loser who stole money from his pregnant girlfriend who was not only saving money to pay for the abortion but was paying bills on top of that. But that is not what this blog is about.

When I arrived at the clinic for my first appointment there were all ready a few women there. It was quite early in the morning and everyone looked sleepy, upset, and scared. My mind was all ready made up. I walked in with the confidence of knowing I was doing what was right for me. The staff was very warm and welcoming. They gave me some papers to fill out and led me and my support person into a tranquil waiting room. When the receptionist called my name I paid the 200 dollar fee and it wasn't long before I was called for my ultrasound. The nurse wasn't very talkative but answered every question I had without judgment and a warm smile. The ultrasound told me I was 17.1 weeks pregnant. I looked at the picture and requested a copy and looked at my baby while I got a finger prick and a blood pressure test. On my way back to the waiting room I could not take my eyes off the sonogram picture. This poor baby had done nothing wrong but here I was getting this abortion. As heartbroken as I was and still am I was still going to go through  with it. I showed my support buddy the picture and almost immediately I was called again to go meet with a patient advocate. She was absolutely wonderful. She listened to my story with no judgment but was shocked at how well I was taking this whole thing. I told her it was something I knew I had to do and I was sure of my choice. She asked some financial questions and told me I was eligible for a grant that could get my the Nexplanon (arm implant birth control. lasts tree years) completely free. Of course I was interested. I never wanted to be pregnant and I sure as hell never want to be back in an abortion clinic. She told me she was going to leave for a few minutes and when she came back she would have a total cost for the procedure and go over what would happen in my second and third appointments. It was a while before she returned but when she did I was told that due to my financial circumstances my procedure went from $1,500 to $335 plus I would get the Nexplanon implant at no charge. I was relieved. It was as if 10 tons of pressure had been lifted off my shoulders. But when it comes to surgery I'm a big baby so...I was told I would come in for my second appointment the following Thursday for lameneria insertion. I will be given three shots directly to the cervix and a few lameneria inserted into the cervix to dilate me. The lameneria look and act like tampons only they have a width less than the size of my pinkie nail. They soak up surrounding fluids and expand. If any are to fall out I should put them in a little plastic baggy but I'm not to worry as it only means they are working correctly. I should experience cramping just like period pains, I may have some bleeding and my water might break, I have to take an antibiotic and if I don't it will only make my third appointment longer and I'm not allowed to take a bath, sit in water, or insert anything into my vagina for the following two weeks after the procedure.

My patient advocate then took me to a room with all the equipment for my procedure where I would wait for a doctor and he would go over what would happen at my third appointment. He arrived immediately, showed my all the equipment and exactly what would be happening. I would be put under a conscious sedation but since I was so far along the dosage I would be receiving would most likely put me to sleep. I asked if it was going to hurt and if I was going to be screaming with pain and he reassured me that he has done this procedure many times at this stage in pregnancy and I would feel uncomfortable but I would not be in any type of excruciating pain. This did reassure me. And I am thankful that all of my friends are here to back me up and the people taking care of me were kind hearted, non judgmental, and only wanted the best for me.

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